The god of the gut

Writing at the Pangea blog, Kurt Willems (who calls himself an Evangelical reject) arrives at this conclusion after telling a few stories about how his relationships with animals have changed his views about food:

God cares about animals and charges us to care for them. This isn’t the case with our modern day system of capitalistic farming.

I’ve decided enough is enough. I don’t believe it’s a sin to eat meat products, but I do believe that the majority of our meats come from a degrading sinful system.

So, for the last 3 weeks I’ve committed to a “flexetarian” diet. What this means is that I avoid meat (almost as much as a vegetarian) except on rare occasions (no pun intended ). My goal is not to live in legalism, but out of an awareness of the love that God has put within me for animals, and in light of God’s love for his creatures. Yes, you can eat meat as a Christian and not sin. But no form of cruelty to animals is consistent with a biblical worldview. To justify cruelty may lead to the subtle god of the gut.

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