Sometime in late spring
The pansies were discarded
Dumped in the common area
Behind the houses
Where the blackberries grow
And the morning glories dance
Twisting from cane to cane
God blesses us and keeps us,
and hereafter will make us new
There the soil is rich,
Full of grass cuttings and bits of bark
Discarded potting soil
Leaf mould and pine needles –
The detritus of years past
God blesses us and keeps us,
and hereafter will make us new
There the essence of green life
Curls up like slow flame
Through the stems and leaves
Through the curling growing tips
And into the air
God blesses us and keeps us,
and hereafter will make us new
You can smell it, see it
Wafting from the full petals
And shining from the generous faces
Of the pansy blooms that grew there
Burgeoning with beauty and life
God blesses us and keeps us,
and hereafter will make us new
Throw me away
Cast me aside
Into the dung-heap of creation
Let the sun beat down
And the wild rains fall
Let me bloom
God blesses us and keeps us,
and hereafter will make us new
Images above by Kate Ransohoff Top (and on front-page mastheads): “Haves & Have Nots” (can also be seen in the current ECVA exhibition: “Justice & Peace“) Middle and Bottom: Details from “Haves & Have Nots”
Words above by Ben Comings