News broke yesterday that the Anglican Church of Uganda has decided to join Rwanda and Nigeria in their decision to boycott this summer’s Lambeth Conference.
From online reports:
“The African Province announced its intention in a statement issued last night by the Archbishop of Uganda, the Most Rev Henry Orombi, pictured, on the same day the Church of England’s General Synod discussed the content of a Covenant which is being drawn up to try and keep the worldwide Communion together.
The boycott revolves around the Church’s long-running row over homosexuality, which came to the fore after the consecration of an openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson, by the Episcopal Church (TEC) of the USA in 2003. In the statement Bishop Orombi writes that Bishop Robinson’s consecration and the TEC’s continued practice of blessing same-sex couples is ‘in flagrant disregard’ of a resolution passed at the 1998 Lambeth Conference which described homosexual practice as ‘incompatible with Scripture’.”
The article points out that the Ugandan bishops are particularly concerned that the bishops of the Episcopal Church were invited, and would be present as full participants at Lambeth.
Read the rest of this report here.
Thinking Anglicans has an excellent round up of reports and reactions as well as the announcement itself.