The Asiamerica Consultation was held over last weekend into the beginning of this week. It also marked the Anglican Church of Korea’s 125 anniversary. One of the invited guests was the Most Revd Dr Katharine Jefferts Schori. It will be one of the final international events of her ministry as Presiding Bishop. Also attending were the Most Revd Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu, Primate of Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Japanese Holy Catholic Church/Anglican Episcopal Church in Japan), the Rt Revd Stacy Sauls, the Chief Operating Officer of the Episcopal Church, the Rt Revd Allen Shin, bishop suffragan to the Diocese of New York and the first Korean American bishop in TEC, the Rev. Jeremiah Yang, former president of the Sungkonghoe University in Seoul and a theologian and the Revd Winfred Vergara, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s missioner for Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries.
The invited guests each spoke at various events of the Consultation and their presentations were captured on video. Below are the links to the videos that have been posted to the Episcopal News Service website;
Presiding Bishop preaches at South Korean cathedral
Presiding Bishop discusses future of Asia-America partnerships
Stacy Sauls on the gift of seeing the world through Asian eyes
Allen Shin challenges EAM to find new wine, wineskins
Nathaniel Uematsu tells EAM about Japanese reconciliation work
Jeremiah Yang on how to renew the church’s compassion
Episcopal Asiamerica Missioner Fred Vergara preaches at EAM opening Eucharist
Most of the sessions of the consultation were held at the Cathedral Church of St Mary & St Nicholas in Seoul Korea. The photo is from the Episcopal News Service.