The Anglican Province of Wales has decided to dismantle parallel church structures for Anglicans who are unable to accept the ordination of women. There will still be “a continuing place” for those who object, but there will no longer be a separate church structure in place following a decision by the Church of Wales Governing body.
According to an article in the Church Times:
“The Standing Committee (on which there are no women) set up a working group with a man and woman from each diocese, under the chairmanship of Dr Gillian Todd (Swansea & Brecon), to address this. It reported last week with recommendations that all church committees and conferences should examine their membership-selection procedures, and that equality policies should be produced.
It also suggested that committees should aim for 30 percent women by 2011, and 50 percent by 2013, and the GB for 50 percent women in the house of laity, and 30 percent women in the house of clergy. In addition, it expected that in five years there would be women archdeacons and deans.
Dr Todd introduced the debate. There had, she said, been evidence of exclusion, discrimination, and bullying of women in the Church. Yet people in society were increasingly used to the principles of equality of opportunity, respect, and fairness. The Government of Wales Act also required equality of opportunity for everyone in Wales.”
Read the full article here.