Many stories from around the Episcopal/Anglican world emerge in any given week that we aren’t able to develop further here at the Cafe. So, we’ve decided to launch a regular weekend roundup of stories you might have missed.
Who’d have imagined Beyonce, Jay Z, and the Presiding bishop all in the same story? Curry, at that wedding, really opened a window of opportunity for our church.
Presiding Bishop Curry offers an inspiring talk to Executive council on whether the “church” has a future.
The first Episcopal church built in California (1855) is now part of a park and in need of restoration.
A feel-good story about confirmations in the most remote Anglican cathedral in the world (Falkland Islands) that required a bishop to travel 8000 miles for the service.
Reconciliation between families of brutal dictator Idi Amin and Archbishop Janani Luwum, whom Amin killed
Trinity Wall Street has been quietly supporting comity across the communion by sponsoring annual gatherings of Archbishops and Primates to build relationships. The most recent gathering was in Kenya and 18 Primates were in attendance, including those from Brazil, South Korea, Barbados, Ghana, Zambia, Scotland, Panama, South Sudan, Sudan, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda.
Presiding Bishop Curry appointed Mary E. Kostel, of the Diocese of Washington, as Chancellor to the Presiding Bishop as of January 1 of this year. She is the fourth person to hold this position since it was created in the 1970s. She succeeds David Booth Beers, also of the Diocese of Washington, who had served as Chancellor since 1991.
The Episcopal Church of Liberia has defined for itself a five year strategic plan for growth and financial stability
A lovely personal reflection from the daughter of a of a priest who faced pushback for his efforts to promote racial and social justice in California more than fifty years ago.
Jobs abound – The Anglican Communion is beginning its search for three senior directors. The posts are the Director of Unity, Faith and Order and the Director for Communications – which are both based at the Anglican Communion Office in London – and the Director for the Anglican Centre in Rome.
The Anglican Communion continues its efforts to counter human trafficking
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby tries to get his own church rowing together as the CoE gathers for its General Synod.
And in Australia, a church board has recommended the defrocking of retired bishop Richard Appleby for failing to respond to sexual abuse cases of priests under his authority.
Featured Image: The Revd Ian Faulds, Bishop Tim Thornton, Denise Blake, Antonia and Stirling Harcus with Orlaith. Denise, Antonia and Stirling were confirmed this week at Christ Church Cathedral in Stanley on the Falkland Islands.