We aren’t able to get to all the stories unfolding in the church, so here are the stories that piqued our interest in the past week that you might have otherwise missed.
Episcopal Church
A Detroit area news feature exploring Trinity Episcopal Church there
PB to be honored at Carnegie Hall Juneteenth Celebrations
From ENS, the Church in NH responds to the state government’s outlawing of the death penalty
The ‘Walk In Love’ Border Tour explores the complex communities at the US southern border
The diocese of Pennsylvania is moving its offices out of Philadelphia, where they’ve been since the Episcopal church was formed in the 1780’s, and will take up residence in a recently re-opened church in nearby Norristown, PA
Anglican Communion
A new archbishop for the West Indies, Bishop Gregory of Kamaica elected at synod
A brief explanation of the upcoming General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada (it’s in July)
RNS reports on Lambeth and its attendant disputes and boycotts
A statement from LGBTQ Faith UK countering the other recent statement from conservatives attacking the recent CoE’s bishop’s guidance on Trans issues
And the Rest…
the debut of a new anthem to raise environmental awareness
A very interesting essay on the rise of myth in modern storytelling (think Game of Thrones)
The Philippine Independent Church(PIC), not to be confused with the Philippine Episcopal Church(PEC) – our former missionary diocese, has consecrated a female bishop for the first time. FYI, we and PEC are in full communion with the PIC
Not sure how to describe this; it’s a short article on a historic event of abolitionist direct action and a local church in Ontario sponsoring an exploration of social justice through history, but it sounds like a really interesting project to confront entrenched racism.
image: St John’s, Norristown, PA (from Facebook)