The World Council of Churches has issued a statement on the latest attacks in Nigeria, where the extremist group Boko Haram has massacred up to 2,000 people in recent attacks, and where children as young as ten have been used to carry out bomb attacks:
A mindset which deploys young children as bombs and which indiscriminately slaughters women, children and elderly people is beyond outrage, and disqualifies itself from any possible claim to religious justification.
The WCC calls on the Nigerian government to respond meaningfully to these attacks and to ensure by all reasonable means the protection of the people of northern Nigeria from further such atrocities. Election campaign commitments are superseded by this first and most fundamental responsibility.
The WCC joins with the Nigerian religious leaders who have called for the international community’s solidarity and engagement, and in expressing deep disappointment at the relative – even discriminatory lack of international media coverage. As much as the WCC joins in the international solidarity with the people of France in the aftermath of the recent attacks in and near Paris, we are deeply saddened that the tragic events in Nigeria have not attracted equivalent international concern and solidarity.
The ENS report has links to the WCC statement and to a list of WCC member churches in Nigeria.
Posted by Rosalind Hughes