You Are Loved

Matthew 6:25-34



But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you- you of little faith?



Do you know the song ‘Jesus Loves Me’? So many of us learn this as little children and the words stay with us throughout life. “Jesus loves me this I know.”


How about the creeds? Do you speak one of the creeds at worship on Sundays? Or perhaps in prayer at other times of the week? For some of you, these may also be words committed to memory.


It can be incredibly comforting to speak the creeds or sing childhood songs of Jesus’ love. Sometimes it’s also easy to give in to a habit of speaking this in prayer; to rattle off these words without much thought or attention.


I’ve found that for many of us, myself included, it’s one thing to know intellectually and to speak God’s love for us. Yet, it’s entirely different and far more difficult to feel deep in our souls the completely unconditional love of God. To feel that love flood into our deepest, most hidden broken places.


Today’s Gospel from Matthew reminds us to take a moment to really begin to feel the depth of God’s love for us. Take a moment to consider the leaves of the trees as they turn brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows before floating to earth. Take a moment to appreciate a field of sunflowers or the mums blooming in a neighbors yard. How much more does God love and care for you?


You are loved.


God loves you. Take a moment to feel it.




Sarah Brock is a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Massachusetts and lives in Boston.


Image Credit: Sarah Brock

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