Bearing the Light
Bearing the Light These illumined figures are part of my newest series, “Bearing Light”. They incorporate raw linen, which is distressed and then applied to
Bearing the Light These illumined figures are part of my newest series, “Bearing Light”. They incorporate raw linen, which is distressed and then applied to
The Christian Post has news that Dr. James Dobson, of Focus on the Family has officially renounced Harry Potter and all the associated “Harry Potter products.”
On the lighter side of the news that’s breaking today, an article about a novel way of fund-raising to support mission work in the developing world was published in Christianity Today.
Christopher Sugden writing in the Evangelicals Now August 2007 edition has some thoughts on the effect that a rising tide of globalization will have on Anglicanism.
“Anglicanism has its roots through Canterbury,” the Archbishop of York said. “If you sever that link you are severing yourself from the Communion. There is no doubt about it.”
Having said all this, Mary became silent, for it was in silence that the Teacher spoke to her. Then Andrew began to speak, and said to his brothers: “Tell me, what do you think of these things she has been telling us? As for me, I do not believe that the Teacher would speak like this. These ideas are too different from those we have known.”
By the time the Peter Akinola and his allies are finished using Episcopal ordinations as a political gesture, the breakaway movement in the United States may have the lowest bishop-to-parishioner ratio in Christendom.