Day: August 7, 2007

Crumbly bread and open communion

One reason seminary chapels are traditionally “ecclesiastical peculiars” is so that they will have the freedom to push the edges of liturgical practice in the direction of the church’s emerging theology.

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Ethical conversion and freedom of religion

Some 30 Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Pentecostal and Evangelical theologians and church representatives meet to articulate what a common code of conduct on religious conversion should look like from a Christian viewpoint

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82 Lutheran gay and lesbian clergy come out

Dozens of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered Lutheran clergy and seminarians on Tuesday openly proclaimed their sexuality to church members meeting at Navy Pier for a national assembly. A devotional booklet titled, “A Place Within My Walls, is being handed out to the more than 1,000 voting members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a 4.8 million-member denomination headquartered in Chicago.

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Silent racism

Barbara Trepagnier, author of Silent Racism: How Well-Meaning White People Perpetuate the Racial Divide, says that people should replace the question of whether or not they are racist with asking themselves how they are racist.

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Speaking the truth in love

The sacrament of unity, the Eucharist, in the final offering of the gathering, confirmed for me the essence of what it means to be a pilgrim, seeking the kingdom of God and its values of justice, peace and salvation for all.

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Learning to fly

It’s not easy to learn to fly, to step off the nest, to risk falling or failing. The project seems to require a lot of screaming. The fledglings make a lot of noise, but it doesn’t bring back their parents. The days of mom and dad feeding and tending and guarding are over. The birds are on their own, for good or for ill.

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Reflections of a missionary to Tanzania

We worked for the one Bishop in Tanzania that was willing to stand up against signing the Anglican Church of Tanzania letter cutting off ties with the Episcopal Church. Bishop Mhogolo gathered all of us together to explain his position and told us that with all of the help that Africa needs, it is foolish to single out one organization for one sin.

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