Day: September 19, 2007

Survival of the kindest?

Whatever the evolutionary underpinnings of generosity, Olivia Judson concludes that human beings are in a unique position to make the most of it. Bees swarming in a hive must resign themselves to lifelong roles as drones or workers or dominating queens, but human society is highly flexible. Thanks to the complex pathways of the human brain, enemies can become allies, underdogs can be elevated, and the noblest aspects of human nature can be passed along to future generations.

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Hymn 489

Was He sent, think you, as any man might suppose, to establish a sovereignty, to inspire fear and terror? Not so. But in gentleness and meekness has He sent Him, as a king might send his son who is a king. He sent Him, as sending God; He sent Him, as a man unto men; He sent Him, as Saviour, as using persuasion, not force: for force is no attribute of God.

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Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury (668 to 690)

On 24 September 673, he summoned the Synod of Hertford. Amongst other things, that Synod issued canons dealing with the rights and obligations of clergy and restricted bishops to working in their own dioceses and not intruding on the ministry of neighbouring bishops. The canons were based on those of the Council of Chalcedon, in 451.

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Archbishop to conduct “Pirate” Eucharist

The Lead can reveal that today – mere hours before he jets off for America in what could be a turning point in the future of the Anglican Communion – the Archbishop of Canterbury will celebrate a Eucharist with a rag-tag group of renegades and scoundrels.

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On the Anglican calendar

Archbishop of Canterbury: “Following on from his visit to the United States …, Dr Rowan Williams will visit Armenia, Syria and Lebanon, from 22nd –

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Province of Central Africa sends a message

The attention given to the Zimbabwe government-owned Harare Herald has drawn a strong letter of correction of the paper’s reporting from the provincial secretary of the Province of Central Africa: “Contrary to The Herald’s report that the Anglican Province of Central Africa broke up on the 9th September 2007, the fact is the Church of the Province of Central Africa remains strongly intact.”

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The Jenkins resolution

Bishop Charles Jenkins said he and 10 co-signers will offer a resolution that tracks the overseas primates’ wishes. But he said his highest priority is to hold the communion together even with its divisions. “The most devastating thing, and the thing I do not want to see happen, is that there becomes two Anglican communions in North America.”

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A Proverb for bloggers

I looked at how the discussion had descended into diatribe and distraction, and I suddenly wondered what I was to do. Should I put my two cents in? If I did, would I be associating myself with the intemperance of the intemperate responders? Should I refrain, and allow both the assertions of the gadfly and the virulence of the intemperate to stand unchallenged?

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Joy in learning

Because both of them [Archbishop Theodore and his assistant Abbot Hadrian] were extremely learned in sacred and secular literature, they attracted a crowd of students into whose hearts they daily poured the streams of wholesome knowledge.

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