Live: a lesson in moral reasoning
Bishop Tom Wright last night compared his inability to find a parking space near his home to the firebombing of Dresden. Actually, he didn’t, but he may as well have.
Bishop Tom Wright last night compared his inability to find a parking space near his home to the firebombing of Dresden. Actually, he didn’t, but he may as well have.
A piece on four churches in Wilmington, N.C. celebrating their sesquicentennial this year calls attention to why all four celebrate the same founding year, 1858. The previous year, banks had made some bad investments, railroad companies were drowning in debt, and the stock market was sliding at a pace that kept investors queasy. The crisis caused people to turn to God, according to one scholar.
Rowan Williams’ stock is enjoying at least a brief rally on the Anglican market. The retreat format with which the Lambeth Conference began showed him
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly introduces Lambeth to the wider media world by interviewing three priests (one from California, one from Virginia, and one from Florida)
I saw Bishop Chane and his wife Karen, and chatted with Bishop Tom Ely of Vermont on the telephone. They have been impressed with the conference’s opening retreat, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which concludes today at noon. Conversations among bishops, they say, are earnest and collegial. They seem to be having a good experience, and to be mildly surprised by that.
I’m not very good at waiting. I get impatient if the person scheduled to meet me is running a little bit late, or if my husband takes longer than I do to get ready to leave. I try to find new and different routes from my home to the church, so that I don’t have to spend as much time waiting at stop lights. In the grocery store, I make a mad dash to find the shortest checkout line.
The best-known of the self-consecrated virgins was Macrina, sister of the two great Capadoccian fathers, Basil and Gregory of Nyssa. Gregory wrote an account of her life and a philosophical dialogue purporting to record her reflections during her last days. Macrina’s desire to remain a virgin received the sympathetic support of her mother, Emilia.