Quincy votes to leave
The Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Quincy has voted this afternoon to leave the Episcopal Church. They have subsequently voted to transfer to the Province of the Southern Cone.
The Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Quincy has voted this afternoon to leave the Episcopal Church. They have subsequently voted to transfer to the Province of the Southern Cone.
There are some further developments coming to light about the story of a same-sex liturgy celebrated in London that we’ve been following since this summer. Today the vicar in question insists that he never offered an apology for his actions in leading the liturgy.
There are numerous articles appearing about the reactions around the world to Tuesday’s presidential election results. The Church Times in the UK has collected a number of reactions from African American leaders in the Episcopal Church and other reactions are being shared from around the world. President-elect Obama is featured on the front cover of the issue.
The details of the next Primates meeting are starting to be reported. The Lambeth conversations will apparently be the focus and format of the Primate’s meeting.
One Thanksgiving she was able to say to her father, “Pop, I don’t like it when you drink and pass out every holiday. Are you going to stop this Thanksgiving and Christmas, or would you prefer for me not to come home?” And when he gave his promise but drank anyway, “Pop, I meant it. Are you going to stop drinking this holiday or shall my family and I leave now?”
When the man of God, Egbert, perceived that neither he himself was permitted to preach to the Gentiles, . . . nor that Wictbert, when he went into those parts, had met with any success, he nevertheless still attempted to send some holy and industrious men to the work of the word, among whom was Wilbrord,