Rich countries resisting changes to prevent climate change
Christian Aid, a british charity and NGO has roundly critized the response by Western nations at the latest UN conference on global climate change in
Christian Aid, a british charity and NGO has roundly critized the response by Western nations at the latest UN conference on global climate change in
In an article entitled “We Are Not Commanded To Be a Docent in the Art Museum, We Are Commanded To Love the Poor”, Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision takes the western churches to task for their lack of commitment to the developing world.
President Obama’s administration filed a legal brief defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in a court case seeking to overturn it. In effect the
Trinity Cathedral in Miami Florida is finding that traditional Anglican music sung in its traditional setting is just the thing for people who are rushing past its doors.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has notified the Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops that she has accepted the renunciation of vows by Williams MacBurney, the
The narrow limits within which even the physical world is accessible to us might warn us of the folly of drawing negative conclusions about the world that is not seen. We cannot penetrate far into the reality of any life other than our own.