a story teller in the Realm of the Image
Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols says that despite recent overtures to Anglicans through the instrument of an ordinariate, Pope Benedict XVI’s upcoming trip to the UK isn’t for tossing out lures.
“Some years ago I was walking to the Mater Private Hospital to visit a good friend, Archbishop Joe Cassidy. On the way, I passed a group of teenagers who shouted, ‘Abused any children lately, Father?'”
Such words about the necessity of God bring to mind Napoleon’s conversation with Pierre-Simon LaPlace, who, when asked by Bonaparte why he hadn’t mentioned God in an entire book about the system of the universe, famously replied, “Sire, I had no need of that hypothesis.”
One thing we have been able to figure out about Facebook’s recent quirkiness: it’s not “spamming” you when we invariably pipe in 5-6 new items at a time. We know this because whenever the feed updates, we get plenty of comments on the one or two items that DO get posted to your walls, but none of the rest. So just consider the wall update you do see to be a nudge to check the site for new posts, or the Facebook page for new notes.
“My prayers go out to all those in the diocese who have been impacted by the earthquake,” the bishop writes. “We praise God that there were no deaths or severe injuries and my thoughts are with those parishes that have received significant damage.”
I heard his holy voice speaking to all without distinction. “He who does not leave father and mother and brothers and all that he possesses and take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” I learned from Scripture and from experience itself that the cross comes at the end for no other reason than that we must endure trials and tribulations and finally voluntary death itself. In times past, when heresies