Day: February 12, 2012

Virginia Episcopalians prepare to take back their churches

For the past five years, the remaining members of several Episcopal congregations in Northern Virginia have been worshiping in borrowed basements and empty houses while praying to return to the prominent sanctuaries where they married, baptized their children and buried their parents. Now, the time appears to be at hand.

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Embracing the “other”

If the desire of possession in a man is stronger than the sense of brotherhood,” he wrote, “he may be a tyrant or a slave, or both in one. He in whom a sense of brotherhood is uppermost may suffer, even to death, but he will preserve society from destruction. ~Charles Freer Andrews

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Lenten disciplines: spiritual exercises or ego trip

In fact, I was doing it all wrong–I was using it as an ego thing. I would pat myself on the back for giving up things and being as Spartan as an Airborne Ranger about it, and pride myself for being more disciplined than “church people.” It was part of the “Me and God and Jesus and I don’t need anyone else” attitude I cultivated in those years.

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