Palestine/Israel and Fort Worth/Quincy controversies at General Convention
Episcopal News Service (ENS) has reports of today’s hearings, meetings, and events of General Convention. One hearing with passionate testimony was by the committee dealing
Episcopal News Service (ENS) has reports of today’s hearings, meetings, and events of General Convention. One hearing with passionate testimony was by the committee dealing
The Mainstream Media (MSM) reports on General Convention. Sex and gender lead the stories, of course:
The Committee on Structure cut to the chase this morning, editing D016 down from eight resolutions to one: Sell the Episcopal Church headquarters at 815 Second Avenue before the 78th General Convention.
Follow debate in legislative hearings @jimNaught on Twitter. Today – Israel-Palestine among others.
At stake is a way of governing our church that allows lay people and clergy to act as equals to our bishops in making decisions. Our concept of sharing power between lay, clergy and bishops is not the way much of the Anglican Communion is governed. Our General Convention is far more democratic than church councils in other nations. If we are to sacrifice the General Convention as a “sacred cow,” we’d best have a much better way of making decisions than has been suggested to date.
The Rev. Marshall Scott reports: At any given General Convention, perhaps the most interesting questions is, “What are we really going to argue about?” That
Psalm 140, 142 Numbers 24:1-13 Romans 8:12-17 Matthew 22:15-22 “Deliver me, O LORD, from evildoers; protect me from the violent, Who devise evil in their
by Kevin McGrane First, we need to understand that the poor in the United States live in a foreign country. Without understanding that first, nothing