Author: John B. Chilton

Reflections on poverty and climate change

Before I became a priest, I was a professor of oceanography. One of

the things I learned was that oceanographers couldn’t just study

squid or fish in isolation. We had to study interconnected systems.

We had to understand not only the animals’ environment, such as the

water, but its chemistry and circulation, the atmosphere above the

ocean and the geology below it. And that, I believe, is how we must

understand our world: We must see everything, and everyone, as

interconnected and intended by God to live in relationship.

Two of the most significant crises facing our world — climate change

and deadly poverty — offer an example of such interconnectedness.

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Dissidents in Fort Worth

Trinity Episcopal Church, while affirming its place in the Diocese of Ft. Worth and in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, does not support any search for forming a new Anglican Province. Trinity Episcopal Church does not support transferring to another existing province of the Anglican Communion. Trinity Episcopal Church does not support seeking the status of an extra-provincial diocese.

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A prisoner for the Lord

One night in 1985, when he was 17 years old, Tramel played a role in the stabbing death of a homeless man named Michael Stephenson. A prep school roommate, David Kurtzman, wielded the knife that killed Stephenson while Tramel stood by. Tramel got 15 years to life; Kurtzman got an additional year for use of the weapon. The youths had sought retaliation against gang members who had roughed up some classmates. Stephenson, who wasn’t involved, became their target.

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Ethic of transparency catches on

If our contributions to the conversation are to be of value, an ethic of transparency, of honesty, needs to be upheld. As one who has used a nom de plume for many years, I understand the need some folks have to protect their privacy. However, I am encouraging those who are comfortable doing so to begin using their real names.

To launch this effort towards more tranparency, it seems appropriate to begin with myself.

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Risky Worship

Christians need to take part in risky worship that could allow “tawdry youth culture” into the church, if young people are to feel at home in the pews. Diana Greenfield of the Church Army, writes about nightclub chaplaincy, a field she describes as “untapped”. She criticises churches for their lack of work in what she says some Christians call “dens of iniquity”.

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The Draft Covenant: Aids for study and comment

“Evaluating the Draft Covenant” contains the Study Guide from the Executive Council, the Covenant Design Group report with the draft covenant itself, the Windsor Report with its own covenant draft, and background materials like the “Historical Documents of the Church” section of the prayer book. “Evaluating the Draft Covenant” makes all the documents people are most likely to want to examine when responding to the Study Guide, including a few obscure ones and two items not available elsewhere. One of these is a compilation of all the scripture cited in the covenant draft.

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Bishops call for reasoned debate on Iraq

As Congress and the Administration consider the future of Iraq, we urge a careful and reasoned debate that avoids the partisan and harsh rhetoric that would diminish the important issues before our nation. We encourage full and open discussion that acknowledges our mistakes as well as our responsibilities. It is imperative that the United States now map out a strategy for a responsible transition to Iraqi governance, making clear that we do not have long term interests in occupying Iraq.

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Province of Uganda seeks financiers

Plans to build the Church House are on course despite the failure to meet fundraising targets.

Sources said the house of bishops opposed a proposal by Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi to abandon the project and sell the land. [A]n estimated sh1.9b is required to start work on the 16-storey building. The project coordinator, John Baguma, said the church was considering partnering with another investor to raise the sh20b [12m dollars].

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