Search Results for: knowle-zeller – Page 10

Connected in Christ

“In my small living room in Central Missouri I felt connected to hundreds of people – bound by our shared desire to hear God’s word for us in these days and to give thanks for the body of Christ that transcends time and place.”

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We Have To Go Through It

“Perhaps this is the most important lesson of Lent and walking through the deserts and challenges of our lives — we do not go through it alone.”

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Choosing to See

“It doesn’t take long to find light, to give thanks to God. I’m being reminded this Lent over and over again that God is a God of life, hope, and grace. A God who walked through the darkness so we would never have to do it alone. A God who continually makes all things new.”

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An Invitation

“Lent begins tomorrow. Whether you’re ready or not, whether you remember or not, whether you believe or not, the season is opening its doors for you. With a wide welcome, hear the voice of God gently inviting you to know you are loved and to place your trust in God’s story.” 

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If You’re Ready…

“I show up day after day trusting that God will do more with me than I can ever imagine or dare to believe. This is the beauty of God’s call in our lives. We are all called as God’s beloved children, and in that truth, we can rest knowing that God is with us.” 

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Everyone is Loved by God

“…there are those who know all the words of worship by heart

and those who fumble with the bulletins and books

some sit quietly while others squirm and wiggle

some of the youngest delight in running up and down the aisles

and their parents simply want a space to rest…”

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Foggy Season

“Some days we may feel like our faith is covered by clouds. We don’t know which way is up and where to go. A broken relationship weighs heavy on our hearts. We feel dark and lonely. We don’t believe we can take one step forward. We can’t offer forgiveness. An addiction has taken hold. We’re afraid we’ve lost our way. God feels distant and silent.”

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