Search Results for: knowle-zeller – Page 8

Bless the Work

“Give us courage in the face of adversity.
Give us peace in the eye of a storm.
Give us strength for the road ahead.”

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Glimpses of Hope

“God invites us to stop and listen, to take a deep breath, to trust that we are not alone. In our walking, taking one step after another, we catch glimpses of hope – the gentle breeze, the sun’s warmth, light breaking through, a star-filled sky, birds chirping, mushrooms, the hand of a neighbor reaching out to us. Signs of God’s presence in our midst. Keep walking forward with eyes wide open and be surprised.”

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A Back to School Prayer

“And Jesus took the children (and the teachers, school administrators, school staff, cooks, bus drivers, janitors, parents, grandparents) in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:16)

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Let Nothing Be Wasted

“The little boy teaches me over and over again that everything I do is a gift given to God. And it’s precisely in the giving of our gifts to others that God transforms them before our eyes. Maybe you’re wondering what small gifts you have to give, or perhaps you’re overwhelmed with the tasks to get through each day. “Let nothing be wasted,” Jesus says to the disciples and to us. Nothing is lost on God.”

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Do Not be Anxious

“It’s August of 2020 and to think that we should not be anxious about anything is almost laughable. Whether we’re working on the front lines of the pandemic, fearful for our health and the health of our family, making decisions for schooling and work, examining our own privilege, worried about the upcoming election and our inability to thoughtfully listen to each other, or all the other day-to-day worries of work and relationships, there is plenty for everyone to be anxious about.”

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Blessing the Days

“Take heart, friend. We’re in this together. I give thanks for this last month, and for the month to come. May we find the strength to walk the road ahead of us trusting that we do not go alone.”

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A Prayer to Welcome Rest

I hear you calling to me – come and rest.
I hear you speaking my name – you are my beloved.
I hear you welcoming me – “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened.” (Mt. 11: 28, NIV)

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Come and Fill Our Hearts With Your Love

“Wherever you find this note, I hope it gives you the encouragement to take a deep breath and  look and see the beauty in front of you. Jesus used such ordinary items – bread, wine, water – and transformed them into an abundance of grace. He’s still at work changing the simple moments in our lives into extraordinary encounters with the divine.”

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