Search Results for: knowle-zeller – Page 6

It’s all there was.

“Looking back over these 40 some pages I see the same refrain over and over. After I’ve detailed our days and the updates that surrounded the pandemic, I ended every letter to Charlotte and Isaac in the same way. 
You are loved. I love you.’

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Slow Sunrise

“One morning at 4 am (I’m not sure this even counts as morning) I hear Isaac talking to himself. I find him awake and alert playing with his stuffed animals and blankets. ‘I’m playing library, mommy. My workers are busy.'”

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What is Prayer?

“Is this prayer?
this note
and words
the tapping of keys across the screen
the waiting and wondering.”

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What do you See?

“Open your eyes to see: the sparkle of snow, the colors of a sunset, a smile, the way the light falls on the floor, the first signs of new life, hands reaching out for a hug, crayons cascading over paper, a pile of books waiting to be read.”

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God’s Love Endures Forever

“…who calls us today to follow him
His love endures forever. 
to come and see a world filled with hope
His love endures forever. 
to offer a hand to those in need
His love endures forever.”

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Joy-Filled List

“During this third week of Advent, what’s bringing you joy? And where can you share joy with others?”

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