Scott Gunn looks to blog his way through the ‘Blue Book’ prior to General Convention

scott gunnBack in 2012, priest, blogger and Director of Forward Movement, Scott Gunn blogged his way through the reports and resolutions known as the ‘Blue Book’ prior to that year’s General Convention in Indianapolis.  Now, he’s doing it again prior to this year’s gathering in Salt Lake City on his blog Seven Whole Days.

Says Scott;

So as we head toward General Convention this year, it’s time to repeat the challenge. I’ll blog my way through the so-called Blue Book again, offering my sense of how I’ll vote and some thoughts about why. By the way, this time, the so-called Blue Book is “so called” because it’s actually blue (a fact which 7WD exclusively revealed), but it won’t actually be a physical book. It’s all online this time around.


posted by Jon White



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