Author: John B. Chilton

Diocese of Colorado moves to sue 18 individuals

In its press release announcing the move the diocese states, “in accordance with Colorado law, which requires that all essential persons be included in a suit, the Episcopal parish and diocese are requesting that the court add as parties those individuals who have led the secessionist group in taking the property.”

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Majority of new clergy in Church of England are women

The Church ordained 478 new clergy in 2006, a drop on the 505 ordained in 2005, the highest number since 2002…. Overall, more women (244) than men (234) were ordained in 2006, though the majority of these were ordained to non-stipendiary ministry. Of those ordained to full-time, stipendiary ministry, 128 were men and 95 were women.

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Iker gets hot under the collar

“I must remind you that 25 years ago this month, the newly formed Diocese of Fort Worth voluntarily voted to enter into union with the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. If circumstances warrant it, we can likewise, by voluntary vote, terminate that relationship. Your aggressive, dictatorial posturing has no place in that decision.” – Bishop Iker addressing Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.

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Amazing Race ends for Kate and Pat

During the race’s first Detour challenge, Lewis and Hendrickson opted to search through a parking garage full of bikes. Looking back, Lewis and Hendrickson wished they would’ve chosen to hoist furniture up the side of the building.

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Growing Episcopal congregations

Older congregations in new suburbs are less likely to grow than new congregations in new suburbs. This may reflect behavioral differences between new and old congregations, or it could reflect the fact that dioceses choose to plant churches in those new suburbs whose residents are most likely to be open to the Episcopal Church. The clear suggestion however is that existing churches in growing neighborhoods should ask if they appear insular to outsiders.

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The Confederacy of Duncan’s

Already there is dissension in the ranks. In Pittsburgh, although we could not tell by their behavior at Convention, there are several clergy and lay leaders from “conserving” parishes who have indicated to the bishop that when push comes to shove they will remain in the Episcopal Church. And beyond the bounds of the Diocese, other Realigners are seeking splitting paths.

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Diocese of Virginia property dispute documents available

Trial Regarding Virginia Division Statute (Va. Code § 57-9) By agreement of the parties, the Court determined that it would first address issues related to the applicability and interpretation of the Virginia statute under which the congregations claim to be entitled to the property. The trial is scheduled for trial November 13-15, 19-21, 2007.

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Southern Cone offers to take in Pittsburgh

Archbishop Venables unveiled the decision of his bishops and other leaders after the plans were overwhelmingly approved by his provincial synod during a meeting in Chile last night the British-born Archbishop, who is the Primate of the Province of the Southern Cone, told the Telegraph.

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3 bishops face discipline

Bishop Cox served as Bishop Suffragan of Maryland and assisting Bishop of Oklahoma. He previously admitted ordaining two priests and a deacon at Christ Church in Overland Park, Kan., in 2005. A month later, he returned to Christ Church and led a service of confirmation. Disciplinary investigations of the Rt. Rev. Andrew Fairfield, retired Bishop of North Dakota, and the Rt. Rev. David Bena, former Bishop Suffragan of Albany, are in process.

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Self righteous in the extreme

When the researchers tested their hypothesis on managers who were asked to make a judgment call involving a conscientious employee who needed to go home early one day, they found that the managers who believed most strongly that they were good people came to extreme conclusions: They either let the employee off for the rest of the day with full pay, or insisted the employee stay and work full hours.

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