Study documents for the TREC resolutions

The resolutions from The Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church have the potential to change the structure and governance of Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Café offers this work by the Rev. Michael Hartney, which shows the canonical changes within the current canons, to assist further study. Hartney has served as an Alternate and Deputy to General Convention and Legislative Aide for the Ministry Committee in 1997, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012.

I prepared these study documents of the TREC (Task Force for Re-imagining the Episcopal Church) resolutions.  As they didn’t print them with reference to the 2012 Canons I did the extra work to provide the reference. I have added line numbers to all of them.
He has given permission for us to link his work here.

TREC Resolution A002  Constitution change in Resolution 2

TREC Resolution A004  Restructure Executive Council
TREC Resolution A005 Of the Presiding Bishop in a Unicameral General Convention

TREC Resolution A006  Restructure Standing Commissions and Interim Bodies of General Convention

TREC Resolution A007  Canonical Implementation of a Unicameral General Convention

TREC Resolution A008 Provide Stipend for the President of the House of Deputies/Presiding Deputy

TREC Resolution A009  Of Changes to the Officers of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society

The Rev. Susan Snook has further reflections on the resolutions here. Part I.

Previous articles on the Task Force report are :



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